Friday 29 September 2017

Our Farm Trip

What we enjoyed about the Farm:

I liked feeling the cow because it’s fur was soft. Zeno
I liked walking around the farm because I got to see all the animals. Lewis
I liked feeding the goats because when they ate the food my hands felt funny. Daniel
I liked the goats because they were funny. Corey
I liked the goats because they jumped over the fence. Alvin
I liked the pigs because they rip out the grass. Maia
I liked feeling the pigs because they felt funny. Bella
I liked the slide because it was fast. Gina
I liked going down the slide because it was fun. Sophia
I liked feeling the cows because their skin was rough. Riyan

I liked the farm. Sua

Our Farm Trip

What we enjoyed about our trip to the Farm:

I liked feeding the goats because it was their birthday. Yan Er
I liked feeding the chickens because their beak felt funny on my hand. Angelina
I liked feeding the chickens because it tickled. Dawei
I liked the turkey showing us his tricks. Ryuj
I liked the baby chicks Raine.
I liked the lambs because they are cute and fluffy. Madison
I liked feeding the sheep because they were soft. Sammy
I liked the goats because they scooped the food off my hands. Eve
I liked seeing the horse because I patted him. Petelo
I liked feeding the chickens because the beaks felt funny. Jun
I liked the lambs because they are soft and they ran to us. Margarita

Monday 25 September 2017

Ambury Farm Trip

On Wednesday 20th September, the Year 2's went to Ambury Farm for the day. We all had a wonderful day. We got to see Sheep being shorn, Cows being milked and we got to go around the farm feeding the animals. 

 Daniel, Jun, Raine, Gina, Maia

 Zeno, Madison, Sophia, Angelina
 Ryuj, Eve, Lewis 

Margarita, Hunter, Corey, Riyan, Sua

Petelo, Dawei, Bella, Yan Er, Alvin 

Wednesday 23 August 2017

Learning about traffic.

On the road there are many parts you need to know. The lanes are there so that people know one way and the other. The traffic lights are there to let people know that you either stop, get ready to stop or go. The crossing is there to tell pedestrians they can cross there. The centre line is there to separate the lanes.

By Hunter

Different parts of the road.

On the road there are many kinds of traffic. Next to the road there are footpaths for people to walk on so then we won't be hunt. There are yellow lines because they can't park there because it is to bumpy. A center line helps cars go on his side not on the other side. A car is a dangers object. It might kill you. A crossing helps you safely walk to the other side of the road.

By Zeno 

Tuesday 22 August 2017

Parts of the Road.

There are lots of  parts of the roads. There  is a crossing which let's people cross the road. There are lanes on the road so cars won't bump in each other and they won't have an accident. We have driveways because then we can get in our houses. On the road there are centre lines so that we can separate the lanes. There are yellow lines because it shows you that you can't park there.

By Yan Er.

Monday 21 August 2017


A motor bike is fast and it is fast. It has two wheels. A racing car is speed and it has four wheels and it waits for people to cross. The racing car goes when people are not there. A train takes people to school or work. A police car helps people that people are stuck and pulls them up and chase robbers.   A truck gets rubbish in the bin.

By Petelo